Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Still Trying to Balance

I'm still having issues with the balance thing.

I've definitely pulled up too much and haven't been working out quite as much as I probably should if the goal is a Half-Ironman. I should still be able to finish the thing at this rate, but boy will it hurt.

I'm not too concerned though. "Training" was becoming too much of it's own burden. I like just going for a run or a ride. Semantics.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Night Runner

Last night I went out for a run at about 11:30pm, I love running at night, it just has a different feel to it. I haven't run at night since it was about -25 C out. What a difference 40 degrees can make!

The route I picked was a bit of an odd choice: down to the river, across the Edworthy Park bridge, along the south side of the river, back under Crowchild Trail. Now, for the non-Calgarians reading, the south side of the river between Crowchild and Edworthy Park is pretty much a paved path through the forest. Which at midnight, is very, very, very dark.

Of course I had my headlamp and red turtle light on.

It was a very interesting experience. If I let my mind wander and forget where I was, it was serene and pretty. But every so often I'd remember I was running through a dark forest at night and would be looking over my shoulder constantly and seeing things in the shadows.

At one point I was running along, close to the rivers edge when I saw two dark patches on the path and then a dark mass off to the side. My first thought was "Oh, that's a severed head and the dark patches are the blood from when they dragged the body into the river."


It was a freaking beaver.

It turned to look at me, which really shocked me, but I was still extremely happy to realise that it wasn't a severed head turning to look at me. I stopped and said "What the hell are you doing here?" as if it were the one that was out of place in a forest, by a river in the middle of the night. It kept looking at me, sort of shrugged, turned and went back to the river.

Anyway, that was a great course for a tempo run. Easy down to the park, absolute terror down the south side of the river, easy back home. I'll bike it out later and see how far the south side is, but it took me roughly 20 minutes -- including talking to the beaver. I'm guessing it's around 5km? And fueled by the horrifying fear of the unknown I probably just did a best 5km time.