Monday, October 19, 2009

Cardiac Hill

On the drive from Calgary to Vancouver with all my stuff, Brian and I were discussing how some places get really cool names, but when you find out the story behind them it's really quite plain. Dead Man's Flats east of Canmore was what spurred our discussion.

However, there's a trail on Burnaby Mountain called Cardiac Hill that is completely deserving of it's name. Holy crap is that trail steep. I "ran" up it today, and tried not to run down it. It's hard to go down. There are actually little branches off the trail that work as run-away lanes like for trucks on the highway.

That run caused a nap this afternoon.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Low and Slow

You know when you cook something, meat especially, and you’re in a rush or you don’t know what you’re doing so you turn the heat up higher and try and cook it quicker. It doesn’t work though, it just cooks, or even burns the outsides and leaves the insides un-touched and raw. Then you learn that low and slow is the key, and you eat like a king.

That’s the difference between rain in Calgary and rain in Vancouver. In Calgary it flash rains and everything looks wet, but it’s not. In Vancouver when it rains, you hear the drops hit and you can tell they’re not in a rush. Everything is wet to the core.