Back in December when we had a string of about 2 weeks where the high was -20C(-4F). I was talking to some people and decided "There's got to be a limit, -15C (5F) is about as cold a temperature as should be run in." I don't know why I picked that limit, -15C (5F) is still flipping cold.
However, a little while later (probably after running on a treadmill some where) I realised that I had set a completely arbitrary limit. Also, I saw other people out running (not many though) and if they can do it so can I.

So I piled on the layers: Wool socks, compression shorts, thermal running tights, and nylon shorts over top. Long-sleeve poly under-shirt, thermal long-sleeve cycling jersey, and a windbreaker. Wool toque, thick gloves and a fleece bandanna. The only exposed skin I had was around my eyes.
Off I went, and... I was toasty warm! Turns out, if you dress in the appropriate layers, you can be quite warm. I think a big factor was that I had actually bothered to buy appropriate cold weather clothes for working out in. If I was just walking some where I would just be wearing jeans -- which aren't very warm.
So now I happily run in all temperatures.
Cycling becomes a different issue though. First you have the inherent self-generated wind-chill, and second I only have slick road tires that are no match for an icy patch.
Determined to ride I threw my bike in the back of my car yesterday and did some exploring. Turns out that once you get out of city limits the roads are clear. Probably due to the City's policy of not plowing residential roads (Thanks City!) I figured I'd drive out to Ghost lake, just to see it, and then ride out from the parking lot.
Now even though the Bow River goes right through Ghost Lake and has been frozen solid for months, I for some reason didn't expect the lake to be totally frozen. So I was quite surprised when I came around the corner to see people riding ATV's and dirt bikes all over the lake and then other people ice fishing off the back of their pickup the middle of the lake.
Other than the ice it was a gorgeous day, so once I bundled up I went out for an easy hour ride. It was great to get out and even greater to realize that it's possible to ride comfortably warm in sub-zero temperatures.
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